Mailing Lists

This page summarises the most important information about the mailing lists that are of interest to students of the Department of Physics.

The lists

For students of the Department of Physics there are five mailing lists that may be of interest:

  • The fs-news is a moderated list through which the physics student council sends out all relevant information. The list is only intended for passive reading, not for sending your own e-mails.
  • physik-l is intended for the general exchange of all students of the Faculty of Physics as well as for the exchange of physics students. Among the five lists, physik-l is the one with the highest volume of mails: about 2 to 3 per day. Since all kinds of interesting and also important announcements for your own studies are sent via the list, it is definitely worth subscribing to the list. You can use it to search for study partners or books, for example. It's also a good place to find offers and requests for accommodation.
  • The physik-ll is used for the exchange of teaching students.
  • The meteo-l is for students of meteorology.
  • The gpistud is for geophysics students.

The following applies to all these mailing lists, apart from the fs-news list:

  • Anyone can send a mail to the subscribers who is registered.
  • The lists are not moderated, so contributions are sent to everyone immediately.
  • The physics student council sends its newsletter via these lists.


You can subscribe to the lists via a web interface. There you can also make various settings after you have subscribed to a list. Here are the links for the five lists: subscribe to physik-l, subscribe to fs-news, subscribe to physik-ll, subscribe to meteo-l, subscribe to gpistud.

Another possibility: Send a mail to with the subject line only containing the text

subscribe list

in the subject line. Replace list with physik-l, fs-news, physik-ll, meteo-l or gpistud. You will then receive an e-mail in which you click on a link and thus subscribe to the list.

If you don't receive any mails for a longer period of time (a day or more), even though you have registered, come to the student council and ask in a friendly way if we haven't activated you yet. The lists meteo-l and gpistud are not administered by the physics student council, so please send an e-mail to or .